Thanksgiving With Rainbow Snippets; “Baby If You’ve Ever Wondered” by Jeff Baker. November 11, 2023.

Photo by Ben Mack on

Every week we post six lines of a story of ours, a work-in-progress or from someone else’s work we recommend that has LGBT characters on Rainbow Snippets here

An early-Thanksgiving snippet or snippets this week, this from “Baby, If You’ve Ever Wondered,” one of my favorite holiday stories to write. It’s simply Chris (Gay or Bi) talking to his little nephew who is awake as Chris checks on the turkey early in the morning, trying not to wake anybody in the house.

You know, I remember your Granddad showing me how to do this. He used to cook the turkey overnight, just like this, I remember when I was a little kid. You woulda liked him, I think. Yeah, when I was a kid we ate around this table a lot. It’s still kinda scuffed up in a few places. And you’ll like your Uncle Enrico when I get him out here.

Awwww! Can’t leave it there!

He had to work on Thanksgiving. I’m just glad your Grandma and your folks are okay with it. Wow. I haven’t been back to this house in over a year. Live too far away. This house is about a hundred-and-twenty years old, I’m twenty seven and you’re about…oh, seven months? Something like that.

My Dad showed me how to do the turkey but I haven’t done one in a while. And there are a couple of houses in my family like the one I mention here!

Next week, something not as Thanksgiving-Themed. (Meaning I’m not sure what!) —-jeff

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4 Responses to Thanksgiving With Rainbow Snippets; “Baby If You’ve Ever Wondered” by Jeff Baker. November 11, 2023.

  1. I cook the turkey in a countertop roaster. It always turns out better than when I try to do it in the oven.

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