Flash Fiction Draw Challenge Draws For April, 2024. April 8th, 2024, Mike Mayak)

First, here’s the prompts for the April 2024 Flash Fiction Draw Challenge. Then my usual long-winded explanation:

A Bedtime Story

Involving a Pepper Mill

Set at a Burger Place

Now, on to the details.

Hi! I’m Mike Mayak, I also write as Jeff Baker and I’m the current moderator for the monthly Flash Fiction Draw Challenge, which was started by ‘Nathan Burgoine a few years ago and carried on by Cait Gordon and Jeffrey Ricker. It’s a monthly writing challenge mainly for stress-free fun that anyone can play.

Here’s how it works: the first Monday of every month I draw three cards; a heart, a diamond and a club. These correspond to a list naming a genre, a setting and an object that must appear in the story. Participants write up a flash fiction story, 1,000 words or less, post it to their website and link it here in the comments. I’ll post the results (and hopefully have one of my own written!) the week of April 15th, 2024.

As I’m no good making videos I did the drawing offstage. And this month I had help! I fanned out the cards and let Ebbet and Miss Meow-Meow (picture above) nose whichever card they “picked.” So, the results were the Seven of Hearts (a Bedtime Story), the Ace of Diamonds (A Burger Place) and the Six of Clubs (a Pepper Mill.) So we will write a bedtime story, set at a burger place involving a pepper mill.

So, get to writing and I’ll post the results next week! And I’m putting the 2024 Flash Draw sheet at the end of this message, again! (* indicates those have been used.)

Thanks for playing, and I’ll see you next week!

And have fun!


Flash Draw Sheet for 2024 (“*” indicates prompt has been used.)


A A Slippery Slide

2 A Rubber Duck

3 Warm Woolen Mittens

4 A Snow Globe

5 Rubber Baby Buggy Bumpers

*6 A Pepper Mill

*7. A Giant Mallet

8 A Giant Penny

9 A Box of Rubber Bands

*10 A Grapefruit

J A Cellphone

Q A Dumpster

*K A Comic Book


A. Science Fiction

2 A Romance

3 Paranormal

4 A Mystery

5 A Thriller

6 An Adventure Story

*7. A Bedtime Story

8 A Monster Story

*9 A Fantasy

10 A Horror Story

*J A Crime Story

Q A Melodrama

*K A Legend


*A A Burger Place

* 2 A Herd of Horses

3 A Roomful of Hats

*4 An Empty Gymnasium

5 The Temple of Diana In Greece

6 A Field of Lettuce

7 A Haunted House

8 A Western Ghost Town

9 A Greenhouse

10 A Giant Teepee

J A Costume Shop

Q A Cake Shop

*K An Outdoor Stage

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