Rainbow Snippets; Travels With Ricketts. Jeff Baker. November 3, 2023.

Every week we post six lines from a work of ours, a work-in-progress or published or a recommendation of someone else’s work with at least one LGBT character. Posted at Rainbow Snippets here: [LINK]https://www.facebook.com/groups/963484217054974

This week’s snippets (running a bit over six lines) are from a work in progress, actually a horror story for an anthology. On that, much more later.

I got a used camper truck, packed some necessities, including a road atlas of all fifty states, took Ricketts and off we went.

Ricketts was a healthy two-year old dog of mixed and uncertain lineage. He was of a size where he could sit in the passenger seat, look out the windows and then curl up to nap without getting in the way. Ricketts had been a gift from my nephew Chris; he’d been given Ricketts at a Rock Festival and said the dog would be good company.

“I know he can’t replace Matthew, but you two won’t be alone, Uncle Marshall.” Chris said.

Ricketts and I hit it off. Our needs were simple; Food, walks, a place to sleep. And with him I formulated my plan to travel.

That’s all for now! The Kansas City trip went well—I even did some writing (not on this snippet story which is due in two months!) ——jeff

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