Go “Elsewhen” with ‘Nathan Burgoine for Rainbow Snippets. July 1st, 2023.

Every week we post six lines of a story of ours, a work-in-progress or from someone else’s work we recommend that has LGBT characters on Rainbow Snippets here https://www.facebook.com/groups/RainbowSnippets

For the next couple of weeks I’m going to post some things from the recent short-story collection by ‘Nathan Burgoine “Of Echoes Born.” https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/37800605-of-echoes-born He is an excellent writer and short-stories just don’t get the attention they deserve. I’m putting this snippet up because the description is so vivid, and I did not know the history…

It’s late on a Thursday night and I’m watching Parliament burn down again. The heat is intense, the smoke makes my eyes water and I have to struggle not to cough.

I can’t get close enough. I’d like to figure out which wayward soul is stuck, what need or wrong has kept this echo repeating all these years. But the same quirk that lets me see these ghostly reenactments makes it too real for my flesh. I have enough scars from other souls. I don’t want to burn.

That’s from ‘Nathan Burgoine’s story“Elsewhen,” and if you’re looking up the Parliament building fire, take a moment to look up the statue of Sir Galahad. A moving, true story that ‘Nathan discusses in his introduction.

We’ll have more from ‘Nathan next week, a story that hits like lightning…——jeff

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