Friday Flash Fics goes Ballooning With Unearthly Power. From Jeff Baker, June 30, 2023.

Five Weeks In a Balloon

(A Secrets of Astaroth Story)

by Jeff Baker

Millennia ago, an ancient race ruled the galaxy. Their power and potency remained unchallenged and the most feared of these was Astaroth. Then did the ancients rebel against Astoroth’s evil and use his own power to bind him and destroy him and to scatter his powers into oblivion.

And the legends of Astaroth spread across the Universe as tales of warring Gods., across countless worlds.

And one day, on one of those worlds, those scattered powers reappeared…

And now, when young Barry Easter speaks the name of “Astaroth,” he becomes heir to unimaginable power…the Secrets of Astaroth!

“Okay, Barry, hang on!” Bill Gray said as the balloon took off.

“I’m hanging,” Barry said, gripping the ropes attached to the balloon and bracing himself against the basket. He wasn’t sure going up like this was a good idea, even if Bill was pretty experienced for a High School kid.

Barry couldn’t be afraid of heights, he said. He could actually fly, he reminded himself.

“Take a look out there, Barry!” Bill said. “Isn’t this great?”

“Yeah, great.” Barry said.

But in spite of himself, Barry was starting to feel a lot more relaxed, even letting go of the ropes, although he kept a hand on the edge of the basket.

“Hey, how’d you get into doing this stuff, anyway? Barry asked.

“My Granddad, that’s my Mom’s Dad? He showed me. He’s been taking me up since I was a little kid. I did my first solo flight a few months ago, okay, solo with a passenger!”

“Wow.” Barry said.

“I saw that movie on TV when I was a kid,” Bill said adjusting something on the balloon. “Five Weeks In a Balloon.” He looked over and grinned. “We won’t be up that long! Hey, we were the first ones to take off at the balloon show!”

“Yeah,” Barry said. “I’m glad this isn’t a race. Hey, what’s that noise?”

“Just a little air letting out…”

The balloon’s sudden tilt and a louder rush of air cut Bill off.

“I think it’s a lot more air letting out!” Barry said as he lurched to the side of the basket and grabbed a rope. “There’s a big rip up there and…”

He looked over. Bill was curled up on the floor of the basket clutching his head where he’d hit it.

“Aw crap!” Barry said. “He’s out. Well, it’s better he doesn’t see this.” Barry took a deep breath and said “Astaroth.”

The ancient name, that of an evil alien overlord whose powers had somehow passed across centuries and a galaxy to Barry did their usual thing. There was a roaring wind which pushed the balloon from side to side and a blaze of light and the figure that stood there, seemingly wrapped in blurry gauze just wasn’t totally Barry anymore.

The figure looked down at Bill; he could somehow tell that he wasn’t injured and was still breathing. But the balloon was descending faster.

The figure stood in the middle of the basket and raised his (its?) arms. Wind rushed and supported the balloon, pulling it back the way they came and towards the ground. At the same time the balloon filled with enough warm air to keep it aloft. This wouldn’t look like anything other than a lucky landing.

The figure that wasn’t quite Barry could see the balloon show over the ridge of trees and another balloon ascending as he willed their balloon to land, gently in a huge clump of bushes.

“Can’t let them see me like this,” he thought as he ducked down and uttered a familiar word…

Barry stood there in the open field near the ridge of trees as the medic on duty tried to get Bill to cooperate.

“I’m fine! I’m okay,” Bill snapped from the folding chair as the medic dabbed more alcohol on his forehead.

“You’re gonna want to get that checked out,” the medic said. “I don’t think it’s a concussion, but it’s best to be safe.”

“Yeah, let’s be safe.” Barry said. “But I think you’re gonna be okay.”

“You’re just lucky the balloon landed back so near the balloon show,” the Medic said.

“Yeah,” Barry said. “I guess when the air started spewing out of it, we got pushed back here. Lucky we didn’t crash.”

“Soft landing in those bushes over there,” the Medic said. “We saw you coming down and ran over.”

“Yeah, thanks,” Barry said.

“They’re thinking about canceling any more flights after that big gust of wind just after you landed. That might have been part of why you got knocked over here,” the Medic said.

“Um, probably was,” Barry said.

“Hey, you guys quiet down and get me something for this headache okay?” Bill said.

“Okay,” Barry said grinning.

They helped Bill into the ambulance and Barry didn’t notice that he eyed him with a funny look, then closed his eyes realizing he was out of it right now.


AUTHOR’S NOTE: A sequel to an unpublished superhero story I wrote called “The Secrets of Astaroth,” remembering the superhero comics and TV shows of my childhood and wondering what really would happen to a kid who got super powers. —-jeff

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